The 10th Asian Crop Science Association Conference



Workshop (Presented by Sponsoring Company)

2021年9月8日(水) 12:30 〜 13:00 Plenary Room

Latest Photosynthesis Measurement Systems
(Meiwafosis Co., Ltd.)

12:30 〜 13:00

[WS-01] Latest Photosynthesis Measurement Systems

Meiwafosis Co., Ltd.

1. Features of LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System (LI-COR)
2. Features of LI-600 Porometer/ Fluorometer (LI-COR)
3. Demonstration of LI-600 (LI-COR)

Meiwafosis provides a wide range of instruments to monitor and analyze plant growth and the global environment.

LI-COR, Inc.
- Photosynthesis (LI-68800, LI-600)
- N2O/CH4/CO2/H2O Gas Monitoring (Trace Gas, LI-830 and LI-850, LI-7500DS, LI-7200RS, LI-7700)
- Light Measurements (LI-190R, LI-200R, LI-210R, LI-250A, LI-1500G, etc.)
- Leaf Area, Plant Canopy (LI-3000C, LI-3100C, LAI-2200C, etc. )

Dynamax Inc.
- Transpiration Sap Flow (Dynagage Sap Flow Sensors, etc.)

Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Inc.
- Soil Monitoring (Hydra Probe, etc.)

- Nano Particle Analyses / Fine Bubble, Humic substance, viruses, etc.
(VIDEO DROP, Exoid, NanoFCM, etc. )

Meiwafosis Own Products
- EM observation, Element Analyses / EDS, AES, XPS, EBSD, etc.
(Osmium Coater, Carbon Coater, Soft Plasma Etching Device)