


IV. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 401-1 基礎物性

[2B17-20] 基礎物性

2016年9月8日(木) 16:55 〜 18:00 B会場 (久留米シティプラザ 展示室1)

座長:佐藤 勇(東工大)

17:10 〜 17:25

[2B18] Thermal and Mechanical Properties for alpha-MoSi2

*Afiqa Mohamad1, Yuji Ohishi1, Fumihiro Nakamori1, Hiroaki Muta1, Ken Kurosaki1, Shinsuke Yamanaka1,2 (1.Osaka University, 2.Research Institute Of Nuclear Engineering, University of Fukui)

キーワード:Molybdenum silicide , alpha-MoSi2, Thermal conductivity, Hardness, Fracture toughness

Uranium silicides have higher uranium density compared with UO2, which makes these materials attractive for accident-tolerant fuels (ATF) for light water reactors. To develop uranium silicide based ATF, it is necessary to understand the basic physical properties of various kinds of silicide , because silicides may be used as coating materials of the claddings and silicide precipitates may be formed in fuels through the reaction between fission products and uranium silicides matrix. In this study, we fabricated dense alpha-MoSi2 polycrystalline sample and measured thermal and mechanical properties.