


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学 » 202-2. 放射線物理,放射線計測

[1K17-20] 放射線測定器の開発

2016年3月26日(土) 17:10 〜 18:15 K会場 (講義棟C棟 C101)

座長:島添 健次(東大)

17:10 〜 17:25

[1K17] Development of a transparent MSGC with optical readout

*Xuan Lian1, Yuki Mitsuya1, Yang Tian2, Kenji Shimazoe2, Hiroyuki Takahashi1 (1.Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo,, 2.Bioengineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo,)

キーワード:MSGC, Micro-pattern, gas scintillation, flat panel detector, Medical Imaging

The unique features of gaseous detector make it a promising way to develop low-cost, large area and good spatial resolution detectors. After the development of transparent Micro-strip Gas Chamber (MSGC), the optical readout of MSGC has several advantages. The indirect coupling of optical readout and MSGC electrodes will help to prevent the sparks damaging the electronics, and the high gain of gaseous detectors will give enough signals to be collected by the photodiode which have been widely used in the flat panel detector. This work tested the performance of a transparent MSGC with optical output. The efficiency of photo emitting efficiency is acquired and discussed.