


III. 核分裂工学 » 307-1 計算科学技術

[1G15-19] 構造の損傷・破損および材料の欠陥の解析

2017年3月27日(月) 16:40 〜 18:00 G会場 (16号館 16-207教室)

座長:鈴木 喜雄 (JAEA)

17:25 〜 17:40

[1G18] MD simulations to evaluate stable configurations of vacancy-type defect clusters in Zirconium

*Yilun Hu1, Kohei Doihara1, Sho Hayakawa1, Taira Okita2, Mitsuhiro Itakura3 (1. Department of Systems Innovation, the University of Tokyo, 2. Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering, the University of Tokyo, 3. JAEA-CCSE)

キーワード:Molecular dynamics simulations, Fuel claddings, irradiation degradation

MD simulations have been conducted to compare the formation energies between vacancy clusters existing on the basal plane and c-type dislocation loop. We found that the latter is more stable even for a smaller size.