


V. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 505-2 放射性廃棄物処分と環境

[2C01-06] 核種移行・収着

2019年3月21日(木) 09:30 〜 11:10 C会場 (共通教育棟2号館 1F 11番)

座長:湊 大輔(電中研)

10:45 〜 11:00

[2C06] Rapid Removal of Cesium from Vermiculite by Collapsing the Interlayers with Hydrothermal Column System

*Xiangbiao Yin1、Yoshikazu Koma1、Yusuke Inaba2、Kenji Takeshita2 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency、2. Tokyo Institute of Technology)

キーワード:Cesium desorption、hydrothermal treatment、volume reduction、ion exchange、decontamination

The decontamination and volume reduction of Cs contaminated soil by efficient Cs removal remains a
great challenge after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident. In present work, we studied the removal
of Cs from the clay soils by treating with hydrothermal cations in a column system. The new results showed that Cs
could be selectively removed from its collapsed interlayers in vermiculite by hydrothermally heating at 150°C.