Planning Lecture
[3D_PL] Proposal on Nuclear Use and Role to Global Environmental Issues
Fri. Mar 18, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Room D
Chair: Kiyoshi Yamauchi (MRI)
[3D_PL01] Summary of the role and recommendations of nuclear power for climate change
Achievement of carbon neutrality by 2050
*Ryoichi Komiyama1 (1. UTokyo)
*Kei Shimogori1 (1. IEEJ)
[3D_PL03] Economics of the power sector with renewables
LCOE and Integration costs
*Yuji Matsuo1 (1. APU)
*Yu Nagai1 (1. CRIEPI)
[3D_PL05] Nuclear Technogies contributing to Sustainable Development Society
Coexistence with Renewable Energy and Contribution to SDGs
*Yasuo Komano1 (1. MHI NSE (retirement))
Kei Shimogori1, Yuji Matsuo2, Yu Nagai3, Yasuo Komano4, Chair: Ryoichi Komiyama5 (1. IEEJ, 2. APU, 3. CRIEPI, 4. MHI NSE (retirement), 5. UTokyo)