


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学および医学利用 » 203-1 加速器(医療用を含む)・放射光・レーザー

[3C09-13] 加速器2

2022年3月18日(金) 14:45 〜 16:15 C会場

座長:坂本 文人 (秋田高専)

15:30 〜 15:45

[3C12] Present Status of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)

(4)Genetic algorithms aided optics optimization for beam energy spread measurements

*Andrea De Franco1, Tomoya Akagi1, Manuel Peres Alonso2, Koki Hirosawa1, David Jimenez4, Keitaro Kondo1, Saerom Kwon1, Jacques Marroncle3, Kai Masuda1, Masayuki Ohta1 (1. QST, 2. IST-IPFN, 3. CEA, 4. CIEMAT)

キーワード:Proton/deuteron accelerator, Beam optics, Beam diagnostic, Genetic algorithms, Simulation

The Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) is designed to provide 125mA CW Deuteron beams at 9MeV. The system is under commissioning and before the final superconductive cavity accelerating stage is installed, a complete beam characterization is desirable to validate the previous stages. This work focuses on the beam energy spread after the Radio Frequency Quadrupole module by measuring the transverse profile in a dispersive position after a dipole. Challenges include the considerable space charge, extreme radiation environment and limited amount of diagnostic installed due to the necessary compactness of the system. To mitigate systematics the measurement is performed at different optics of the transport line. A genetic algorithm is used to find suitable optics on a pareto front of multi-objective optimization simulations.