


V. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 502-1 原子炉材料,環境劣化,照射効果,評価・分析技術

[3J09-13] デブリ1

2022年3月18日(金) 14:45 〜 16:15 J会場

座長:近藤 創介 (東北大)

15:30 〜 15:45

[3J12] Microstructural stability of Zr-SUS-B4C model debris upon annealing

*Huilong Yang1, Kenta Murakami1, Syo Kano1, Hiroaki Abe1 (1. UTokyo)

キーワード:1F decommissioning, model debris, microstructure, stability

In order to understand the possible property change of 1F fuel debris during the accident, clod shutdown period, and fuel debris retrieval period, the metallic debris which is composed of the reactor core component materials of zirconium (Zr), stainless steel (SUS), B4C was studied in this study. The model debris with different was prepared by high-frequency induction heating firstly. The specimens were then subjected to annealing up to 1273 K. The change in constituent phase and its morphology was investigated by the X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope at the same location of each specimen. The microstructural stability of metallic debris, especially the intermetallic compound phases, will be discussed in this report.