
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Dec 3, 2022 9:40 AM - 12:10 PM 第VII会場 (11号館 AL3)

司会:沼田 麻美子(東京工業大学)、林 和眞(東京都市大学)

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM

[79] Research on Location Control of Facilities Related to Renewable Energy in Danish Spatial Planning

Positioning in the Danish Planning Act and Analyzing Skive Municipal plan

○Yoshiko Tsuruta1, Yume Noguchi2 (1. National Institute of Technology, Gifu college, Dept. of Architecture, 2. National Institute of Technology, Gifu college)

Keywords:Danish Planning Act, Facilities Related to Renewable Energy, Location Control, Municipal Plan

This research investigates the location control of facilities related to renewable energy in Denmark, which has comprehensive spatial planning by municipalities and has quickly shifted to renewable energy. Our investigation revealed that Denmark is planning renewable energy facilities in the Municipal plan based on the Danish Planning Act, which is the basis of spatial planning. Based on the plan, wind turbines are mainly led to locate in land zones, district heating systems located close to existing buildings, and small wind turbines will locate in built-up areas. Furthermore, wind turbines and photovoltaic power plants, which are mainly led to located in land zones, have many guidelines and location regulations that consider nature, landscape, etc. And the rules of removal for wind turbines and photovoltaic power plants are also outlined.