


企画セッション » 英語セッション

Financial Institutions and Capital Flights: Some Management and Performance Issues in the Post-Covid-19 Environment

2022年12月3日(土) 10:45 〜 12:25 F108 (F棟)

Chair:Gour Gobinda Goswami(North South University)、H M Jahirul Haque(Canadian University of Bangladesh)

This panel will comprise four papers related to financial institutions to assess some management and performance issues in the ex-ante and interim periods of Covid-19. One paper takes up the challenge of the microfinance industry brought in by the introduction of FinTec in Bangladesh. This paper argues that Covid-19 has made it even more urgent for the industry to adopt the latest financial technology to stay in business. The second paper takes up the role of inclusive leadership in the microfinance management industry and finds that institutions with inclusive leadership have done better. The third paper takes up the performance and health conditions of commercial banks in Japan and South Korea in a comparative study. The fourth and final paper tries to measure the capital flight as it could be assessed from the current and capital accounts of the central banks of each country. The paper finds that capital flight is not a phenomenon in developing countries only. It is prevalent in developed countries as well. Together, they provide many lessons and policy implications for similar industries in many countries around the world.





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