


企画セッション » 英語セッション

In Search of Lost Time: Unsettling Memories in Japanese, Taiwanese and Mexican-Spanish Visual Narratives

2022年12月3日(土) 10:45 〜 12:25 F207 (F棟)

Chair:Kaori Yoshida(立命館アジア太平洋大学)

This panel examines visual narratives in different spatial and temporal contexts, produced in the 20th century Japan, 21st century Taiwan, and 21st century Mexican-Spanish (and America), all of which explore contradictory or unsettling memories with different methodological approaches. While each of the papers concerns itself with memories and identities on different levels—individual, national, or post-national—the panel, analyzing specific visual and linguistic manifestations, attempts to demonstrate how visual texts may suture the viewer to communicate difficult (historical) memories and identities. Hung examines a Taiwanese film approaching from the linguistic aspect to discuss collective memories entangled with political ideology. Aviles Ernult, contemplating on the incompleteness of Freudian concept of uncanny in understanding visual narratives, demonstrates how the uncanny cycle of trauma is manifested in a magical realist cinema. Likewise, Yoshida, focusing on the form of manga, demonstrates how the grotesque and ghostly manifestations communicate difficult memories through affective impact.





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