


企画セッション » 英語セッション

Putting Modern East Asia in Perspective: Interrelationship between China, Japan, and Korea

2022年12月3日(土) 15:25 〜 17:05 F207 (F棟)

Chair:Kazutaka Sogo(立命館大学)

East Asian countries share a long history of interrelationship among them in premodern and modern eras. This session brings presentations that cover such interrelationships between China, Japan, and Korea. Dr. Xiang’s paper examines the influence of “Kampo” medicine in Japan on China during the Edo period. This medicine was developed in Japan in a uniquely Japanese way after it originated in China. Then it was brought back to China, and it had an immense influence. Dr. Jin will deal with cultural interrelationships between China and Japan after the advent of modernity, sharing the same script system. Dr. Sogo’s paper clarifies how Japan’s domestic political structure was impacted by the Japanese power struggle over its economic interests in Manchuria in China during the inter-war period. Dr. Zhang’s paper deals with the prospective remedies to the current global warming by comparing carbon tax pricing in three East Asian countries using the Joint Analysis Method.





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