EMC Japan/APEMC Okinawa


Regular Session

[WedPM1A] (Regular Session) Signal and Power Integrity (3)

2024年5月22日(水) 14:10 〜 16:10 Room A (B1)

Chairs: Tohlu Matsushima (Kyushu Institute of Technology), Yusuke Yano (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

[WedPM1A.5] Applying A Novel Defected Ground Structure to Design Broadband Common-Mode Filter

Yu Ching Wang(YUAN ZE University), Cheng-Nan Chiu(Yuan Ze University), Ming-Kun Hsieh(Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI)), Liang-Yang Lin(Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection), Yuan-Fu Ku(Taiwan Testing and Certification Center)

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