

Symposium (英語)

Economic Development and Transformations of Agrarian Villages in Asia: Changes in Rice Farming, Natural Resource Use, and Social Preferences

2023年3月18日(土) 11:00 〜 12:30 Room23 (134)

座長:Kei Kajisa(Aoyama Gakuin University)

1. Rice Farming and Rice farmers in the Philippines from 1966 to 2021: Insights from the Central Luzon Loop Survey (Kei Kajisa, Aoyama Gakuin University)
2. Paddy Cultivation as an Origin of Cooperative Norms: Evidence from Natural and Lab-in-the-Field Experiments (Takeshi Aida, IDE-JETRO)
3. Tank irrigation management in Tamil Nadu, India: Historical Review and Future Options (K. Palanisami, International Water Management Institute)
4. Institutional Dynamics and Role of Institution in Tank Water Management in Tamil Nadu, India (Muniandi Jegadeesan, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University)
5. Does the Existence of Overseas Members Make Households More Resistant to Natural Hazards? An examination with the post-earthquake census data in Nepal (Takeshi Sakurai, The University of Tokyo)

11:00 〜 12:30

*Kei Kajisa1, Piedad Moya2, Shiela Valencia2, Fe Gascon3, Takeshi Aida4, Yasuyuki Sawada5, Palanisami K.6, Muniandi Jegadeesan6, Takeshi Sakurai5, Towa Tachibana7 (1. Aoyama Gakuin University, 2. IRRI, 3. Private Consultant, 4. IDE-JETRO, 5. The University of Tokyo, 6. Tamil Nadu Agricultral University, 7. Chiba University)