

Symposium (英語)

Information Technology and Biotechnology Revolutions and Its Impact on Agricultural Productivity in China: Opportunities and Challenges

2023年3月19日(日) 11:20 〜 12:50 Room15 (17407)

座長:Yu Sheng(New Institute of Rural Development, School of Advanced Agriculture and Science, Peking University)、Haiyan Deng(Beijing Institute of Technology)

Paper 1:
Assessing the Impact of GMO Adoption on Agricultural TFP: A Global View
Haiyan Deng (Beijing Institute of Technology), Changxin Yu and Yu Sheng (Peking University)

Paper 2:
Does Bt Adoption Increase Aggregate Cotton Yield in China: Evidence from County-level Analysis
Robert G. Chambers (University of Maryland) and Yu Sheng (Peking University)

Paper 3:
The Value of Remote Sensing Technology in Agricultural Insurance
Fujin Yi and Zihan Liu (Nanjing Agricultural University)

Paper 4:
How does Drone Application Affect Agricultural Production in China: Evidence from A Farm Household Survey in Shandong
Hangyu Zhang (Peking University)