The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference(ATPC2022)


Oral Presentation



2022年9月30日(金) 09:00 〜 10:30 Room 1 (Zoom room 1)

Chair:Kyaw Thu(Kyushu University, Japan)

09:30 〜 09:50

[OS17-3-02] Application of extended corresponding state modeling technique for prediction of viscosity of novel low GWP working fluids

*Monjur Morshed1, Atiqur R. Tuhin2, Keishi Kariya3, Akio Miyara4 (1. Saga University, 2. Saga University, 3. Saga University, 4. Saga University and Kyushu University )

キーワード:Viscosity, Extended Corresponding State, R1336mzz(E), HFE-356mmz