The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference(ATPC2022)


Oral Presentation



2022年9月29日(木) 10:50 〜 12:20 Room 2 (Zoom room 2)

Chair:Takashi Yagi(AIST, Japan)

11:20 〜 11:40

[OS5-2-02] Systematic investigations on the efficiency of graphene in thermal management

*Jing Zhou1, Zhongyin Zhang2, Xuanhui Fan3, Jie Zhu4, Dawei Tang5 (1. Dalian University of Technology, 2. Dalian University of Technology, 3. Dalian University of Technology, 4. Dalian University of Technology, 5. Dalian University of Technology)

キーワード:Thermal Conductivity, Interface thermal conductance, Graphene, Time-domain thermoreflectance method