The 13th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference(ATPC2022)


Oral Presentation



2022年9月29日(木) 16:10 〜 18:00 Room 3 (Zoom room 3)

Chair:Paul Brumby(Keio University, Japan)

17:20 〜 17:40

[OS6-3-04] Thermophysical properties of bicyclic hydrocarbon liquid organic hydrogen carriers

*Manuel Kerscher1, Julius Jander2, Junwei Cui2, Michael Heinrich Rausch2, Peter Wasserscheid3, Thomas Manfred Koller2, Andreas Paul Fröba2 (1. Institute of Advanced Optical Technologies - Thermophysical Properties (AOT-TP), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU), 2. AOT-TP, FAU, 3. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy (IEK-11))

キーワード:Bicyclic hydrocarbon liquid organic hydrogen carriers