

学会企画 » 若手招待講演シンポジウム

1YI 第19回若手招待講演シンポジウム

2023年11月14日(火) 09:00 〜 11:30 I会場 (国際会議室(3号館 3F))


Biophysical Society of Japan (BSJ) grants “Early Career Award in Biophysics” and “Early Career Presentation Award” to young BSJ members for their excellent presentations that show great potential to contribute to the progress of biophysics. In this 19th year, we received 41 highly qualified applications. After the first round of competitive screening based on submitted documents, the following ten applicants were selected as candidates for Early Career Award in Biophysics. In this symposium, each speaker will give a 10-minute presentation followed by a 3-minute discussion as the second round of screening. Up to five awardees of the Early Career Award in Biophysics will be selected. The best presenter will also be awarded IUPAB award from International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics. The Early Career Presentation Award will be given to the rest of the excellent invited speakers. We welcome all the BSJ members to attend this symposium to foresee the future of biophysics in Japan through the speakers and their research.

10:15 〜 10:30

〇飯田 史織1,2、田中 真仁3、田村 佐知子1、鐘巻 将人2,4、島本 勇太2,3、前島 一博1,2 (1.遺伝研・ゲノムダイナミクス、2.総研大・遺伝学、3.遺伝研・物理細胞生物学、4.遺伝研・分子細胞工学)

11:00 〜 11:15

〇Satoshi Omura1、Tomohiro Hino2、Ryoya Nakagawa1、Tomoki Togashi3、Tsukasa Ohmori3、Atsushi Hoshino2、Osamu Nureki1 (1.東京大学 大学院理学系研究科生物科学専攻.、2.京都府立医科大学 医学部 循環器内科学研究室.、3.自治医科大学 医学部 生化学講座.)