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2SGP GPCRダイナミクスの全体像

2023年11月15日(水) 14:00 〜 16:30 G会場 (会議室232+233(2号館 3F))

オーガナイザー:片山 耕大(名古屋工業大学)、寿野 良二(関西医科大学)

Tremendous advances in the structural biology and pharmacology of GPCRs, coupled with rapid advances in computational approaches, have expanded our understanding of both structural and functional aspects of GPCR dynamics and GPCR-ligand or partner protein interactions, providing guidance for new structure-based drug design. The goal of this symposium is to expose scientists to recent discoveries and cross-disciplinary approaches utilized to study GPCRs and provide opportunities for establishing communications that bridge complementary interests in the field of GPCRs. This session will feature speakers who have made exciting discoveries about the molecular mechanisms of GPCRs and partner proteins involved in signal transduction by utilizing spectroscopic, structural biology, single molecule observations, and computational chemistry approaches.

14:00 〜 14:30

〇寿野‐池田 千代1、寿野 良二1、西川 遼2、鈴木 璃子3、岩田 聖也2、高井 朋代1、小倉 鷹矢3、廣瀬 未果4、井上 明俊1、浅井 絵里1、木瀬 亮次3、杉田 征彦5、斉藤 毅6、片山 耕大2、井上 飛鳥3、加藤 貴之4、長瀬 博6、神取 秀樹2、小林 拓也1 (1.関西医大・医、2.名工大・院工、3.東北大・院薬、4.阪大、蛋白研、5.京大・医生研、6.筑波大・IIIS)