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3SJA 光合成の多様な環境への適応原理

2023年11月16日(木) 09:00 〜 11:30 J会場 (会議室141+142(1号館 4F))

オーガナイザー:広瀬 侑(豊橋技術科学大学)、栗栖 源嗣(大阪大学)


Photosynthetic organisms synthesize organic compounds from water and carbon dioxides using solar energy. They adapted and expanded over a wide range of environments and sustain all living organisms on Earth. The structure and function of photosynthetic apparatus change dynamically in response to environmental conditions. In 2023, researchers from structural biology, plant physiology, biochemistry, and bioinformatics have teamed up to launch a new research project, "Photosynthetic Ubiquity", which is supported by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) from JSPS. In this symposium, the members of this project will discuss approaches to elucidate the molecular principles of adaptation of photosynthetic supramolecular complexes to diverse environments.