34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics(CCP2023)




Poster 2

2023年8月7日(月) 16:00 〜 18:00 Reception Hall (3F)

[PS2-05] Axial U(1) symmetry at low and high temperatures in Nf=2+1 lattice QCD with chiral fermions

*Kei Suzuki1, Sinya Aoki2, Yasumichi Aoki3, Hidenori Fukaya4, Shoji Hashimoto5,6, Issaku Kanamori3, Takashi Kaneko5,6,7, Yoshifumi Nakamura3, Christian Rohrhofer4, David Ward4 (1. Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) (Japan), 2. Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (Japan), 3. RIKEN Center for Computational Science (Japan), 4. Department of Physics, Osaka University (Japan), 5. KEK Theory Center, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan), 6. School of High Energy Accelerator Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai) (Japan), 7. Kobayashi Maskawa Institute (KMI) for the Origin of Particles and the Universe, Nagoya University (Japan))

キーワード:Lattice QCD, High temperature, Chiral symmetry

