14:05 〜 14:20
*shih-yuan chen1, Li-Yu Wang2, takehisa mochizuki1, chia-min yang2 (1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (Japan), 2. Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan))
Oral Session
2023年12月6日(水) 14:05 〜 15:05 Room C (International House Hall A)
Chair: Suwadee Kongparakul (Thammasat University)
14:05 〜 14:20
*shih-yuan chen1, Li-Yu Wang2, takehisa mochizuki1, chia-min yang2 (1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (Japan), 2. Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan))
14:20 〜 14:35
*Chia-Ying Chiang1 (1. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan))
14:35 〜 14:50
*Yohei Ogiwara1, Kotohiro Nomura1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan))
14:50 〜 15:05
*Sayori Kiyota1, Masafumi Hirano1 (1. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Japan))
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