


[ISSJS] ISS合同シンポジウム
Advance in neonatal neurology

2019年6月2日(日) 09:50 〜 12:20 第1会場 (1号館2F センチュリーホール)

座長:Sampsa Vanhatalo(BABA center, Children’s Hospital, University of Helsinki, Finland), 奥村彰久(愛知医科大学小児科)


城所博之(Hiroyuki Kidokoro)
倉橋宏和(Hirokazu Kurahashi)

 フィンランドのVanhatalo先生には,新生児脳波の数理解析から得られた最新の脳科学に関する知見を紹介頂く.国際会議である,「Brain monitoring & Neuroprotection in the Newborn」を2度にわたりアイルランドで自国開催されたBoylan先生には,新生児脳波を用いた臨床データの"state of the art"を,英国のPressler先生は,ILAEが作成する「新生児発作の新分類」に関するproposalの作成中心人物としてその内容を紹介頂き,Pooh先生には,日本の産科医として超音波を用いた胎児画像診断の最前線を余すことなくご紹介頂けるものと思う.

 At the 20th Annual Meeting of Infantile Seizure Society(ISS)held jointly with the 61st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology, numerous doctors and researchers from overseas participate under the theme of "Neonatal Seizures:Deepening Insights into Developmental Brain Injury". As a joint project with the ISS, we organized a symposium with the ISS participants leading the front line of neonatal neurology.
 Prof. Vanhatalo from Finland introduces the latest advances on neuroscience obtained from mathematical analysis of neonatal electroencephalogram. Prof. Boylan, who held the international conference "Brain monitoring & Neuroprotection in the Newborn" twice in Ireland, introduces "state of the art" of clinical data using neonatal electroencephalograms. Dr. Pressler from the UK introduces the classification of neonatal seizures proposed by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) as a leader of the ILAE task force. Prof. Pooh introduces the forefront of fetal diagnostic imaging using ultrasound.
 This symposium is a valuable opportunity to touch the latest knowledge of these outstanding performers. We are waiting for a lot of participation.

Sampsa Vanhatalo (BABA center, Children’s Hospital, University of Helsinki, Finland)