CIGR VI 2019


Poster Session

Food Function/Nutrition

[6-1130-P] Functional/Wellness Foods & Nutrition (6th)

2019年9月6日(金) 11:30 〜 12:30 Poster Place (Entrance Hall)

11:30 〜 12:30

[6-1130-P-10] Changes in the Growth and Antioxidant Components of Komina with Different Red and Blue Light Emitting Diode (LED) Irradiation Ratios

Kanako Niiya1, *Takahiro Saito2, Masatsugu Tamura2, San Woo Bang2 (1. Utsunomiya University Graduate School(Japan), 2. Utsunomiya Univ.(Japan))

キーワード:Antioxidant, Growth, Komina, Radiation ratio

This study investigated the effects of the ratio of red and blue LED irradiation on the growth and antioxidant components of leafy vegetable Komina. LEDs of red and blue were adjusted to 0, 0.11, 0.43 and 1.0, and used to grow Komina in plant factory. White LED was also utilized. The growth characteristics such as plant height, umber of leaves and fresh weight were evaluated every week after transplanting to the plant plate. With regard to antioxidant properties, the L-AsA content and the total polyphenol content (TPC) were analyzed at the sample plant height of 25cm. Sample plant irradiated with B/R ratio 0 showed that the plant height and the number of leaves were 19.2 cm and 8.0 pieces respectively after 3 weeks of transplantation and the fresh weight was 53.2 g after 4 weeks of transplantation, the largeest values among all irradiated samples. Sample plant irradiated with B/R ratio 1.0 was the largest L-AsA (68.4 mg・g-1 F.W.) and TPC (9.7 mg・g-1 D.W.) respectively. Finally, the growth of Komina was promoted as the B/R ratio decreased, and the antioxidant component was contained more as the B/R ratio increased.