

Oral Session

CLEO-PR2022 » High Power, High Energy Lasers II

[CMP4B] High Power, High Energy Lasers II

2022年8月1日(月) 15:30 〜 16:45 Small Hall (2F)

Session Chairs: Paul Mason (Sci. & Tech. Facilities Council), Jumpei Ogino (Osaka Univ.)

15:30 〜 16:00

[CMP4B-01 (Invited)] Generation of the Highest Laser Intensity of 1023 W/cm2 by Focusing PW Laser Pulses

*Jin Woo Yoon1,2, Il Woo Choi1,2, Jae Hee Sung1,2, Hwang Woon Lee1, Seong Ku Lee1,2 (1. IBS (Korea), 2. GIST (Korea))

[Presentation Style] Online

We report a demonstration of laser intensity exceeding 1023 W/cm2 by tight focusing and wavefront correction of the CoReLS petawatt laser. This achievement will enable us to explore strong-field quantum electrodynamics phenomena.