

Oral Session

CLEO-PR2022 » Si and SiN Photonics

[CThP8F] Si and SiN Photonics

2022年8月4日(木) 15:30 〜 17:30 Small Hall (2F)

Session Chair: Yuriko Maegami (AIST)

16:30 〜 16:45

[CThP8F-04] Silicon-on-Insulator Architectures for Brillouin scattering

B om Subham1,2, *Siva Shakthi1,2, Vivek Venkataraman2,3, Shankar K. Selvaraja4, Amol Choudhary1,2 (1. UFO-CHIP Group, Indian Inst. of Tech. Delhi (India), 2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Inst. of Tech. Delhi (India), 3. Department of Physics, Indian Inst. of Tech. Delhi (India), 4. Cense, Indian Inst. of Science, Bangalore (India))

[Presentation Style] Onsite

We report Brillouin scattering gain in two novel Silicon-on-Insulator architectures – double slab and double-lobed waveguides. We show that the geometrical parameters influence the Brillouin gain and frequency shift, thereby offering flexibility to maximize gain.