

Oral Session

ODF '22 » Optical Systems I

[OFA3A] Optical Systems I

2022年8月5日(金) 11:00 〜 12:25 Conference Hall (Oval Room) (1F)

Session Chairs: Hiroshi Ohno (Toshiba), Alfredo Rueda (Scantinel Photonics)

11:40 〜 11:55

[OFA3A-03] Phase Modulation Fresnel Zone Aperture for Image Resolution Improvement in Lensless Cameras

*Keita Yamaguchi1, Kazuyuki Tajima1, Yusuke Nakamura1, Takeshi Shimao1 (1. Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan))

[Presentation Style] Online

Use of phase modulation Fresnel zone aperture (FZA) is proposed for suppressing diffraction in FZA-based lensless camera. The effectiveness of the proposed method was experimentally verified with the developed prototype of compact lensless camera modules.