

Oral Session

ODF '22 » Optical Systems I

[OFA3A] Optical Systems I

2022年8月5日(金) 11:00 〜 12:25 Conference Hall (Oval Room) (1F)

Session Chairs: Hiroshi Ohno (Toshiba), Alfredo Rueda (Scantinel Photonics)

11:55 〜 12:10

[OFA3A-05] Detection of Glucose-Induced Emission Spectra Based on Mid-Infrared Passive Spectroscopic Imaging for Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Sensor and Evaluation of Correlation of Time Series Data with Invasive Sensors

*Tomoya Kitazaki1, Yusuke Morimoto1, So Yamashita1, Daichi Anabuki1, Shiori Tahara1, Akira Nishiyama1, Kenji Wada1, Ichiro Ishimaru1 (1. Kagawa Univ. (Japan))

[Presentation Style] Online

We propose mid-infrared passive spectroscopic imaging for non-invasive blood glucose sensing to detect glucose from skin radiation without using a light source. We performed measurements at the wrist and successfully detected the glucose emission peak.