2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Academic Program (AP)

Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Organic Photochemistry

Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Organic Photochemistry

Wed. Mar 21, 2018 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM G4 (1122, Bldg. 11)

2G4-04~2G4-09 IKEDA, Hiroshi
2G4-11~2G4-16 HIRANO, Takashi
2G4-18~2G4-21 OUCHI, Akihiko


11:20 AM - 11:30 AM

[2G4-15] Photoelectrochemical properties of dyes adsorbed on semiconductor nanosheets

01.Oral A

○SONOTANI, Amane; SANO, Keito; OHNISHI, Ryota; SHIMADA, Tetsuya; TAKAGI, Shinsuke (Grad. Sch. Urban Environmental Sci., TMU)

PC Setting Time : 10:30 - 10:40

Keywords:Dyes、Titania Nanosheets、Organic-inorganic hybrid compounds、Photochemistry、Photoelectric conversion