128th JGS: 2021

Presentation information



R1 [Regular Session]Plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks and magmatic processes

[3ch301-12] R1 [Regular Session]Plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks and magmatic processes

Mon. Sep 6, 2021 8:00 AM - 11:45 AM ch3 (ch3)

Chiar:Tatsuo Kanamaru, K Michibayashi, Yumiko Harigane

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

[R1-O-9] Magma source of San-yo and Ryoke belt granites and fluid-rock interaction of silicoeus veins and Ryoke metamorphic belt schists

*HAFIZ U. REHMAN1, YAMAMOTO Hiroshi1 (1. Kagoshima University)

Keywords:Ryoke belt, San-yo belt, granites, oxygen isotope data, partial melting

Oxygen isotope results (δ18O) of quartz are presented for the San-yo and Ryoke belt granites, associated metamorphic rocks (pelitic schists, siliceous schists), and two generations of siliceous veins (foliation-parallel and foliation-normal) that exist in pelitic and siliceous schists. Purified quartz grains from the above-mentioned lithologies were analyzed for δ18O using the conventional fluorination method. Quartz grains showed δ18O values (relative to VSMOW) of 9.7 to 12.9 ‰ in granites, 15.1 to 17.3 ‰ in biotite schist, and 16.4 to 17.8 ‰ in siliceous schist. The δ18O values of quartz from foliation-parallel veins in biotite schist were 16.6 ‰ whereas quartz grains from the foliation-normal veins in biotite schist had δ18O values of 17.3 ‰. The δ18O values of quartz in the investigated granite samples are comparatively higher than usually found in the typical I-type granites (ca. 5–8 ‰) and show some overlap with the S-type granites (ca. 9–12 ‰). These features suggest that the source magma of Ryoke and San-yo these granites was likely derived from the partial melting of the chemically modified crust with sedimentary precursors. Hafnium isotope data of zircons from the same granites, reported in an earlier publication (Mateen et al., 2019, Geosciences Journal 23, 917-931), exhibited by ƐHf (t) values between +1.1 and -4.8 provide additional evidence for the formation of the granites from a continental crust with some incorporation of the reworked older crustal material that was hydrothermally altered before partial melting. The relatively higher δ18O values (> 15 ‰) of quartz in foliation-parallel and foliation-normal veins indicate their precipitation from the silica- and 18O-rich fluids that were extracted from the slab-dehydration process during late-stages of their evolution. Detailed results can be seen elsewhere (Rehman et al. 2021, Journal Episodes).

Mateen et al., 2019. Geosciences Journal 23, 917-931
Rehman et al. 2021. Episodes, https://doi.org/10.18814/epiiugs/2021/021012