

IASPEI Symposia » S07. Strong ground motions and Earthquake hazard and risk

[S07-8] Strong motion and seismic sources I

2017年8月2日(水) 10:30 〜 12:00 Main Hall (Kobe International Conference Center 1F)

Chairs: Jamison Steidl (University of California, Santa Barbara) , John Clinton (ETH Zurich)

11:15 〜 11:30

[S07-8-04] Slip Rates Inversion of 3-D Faults around Ordos Constrained by GPS and Leveling Observation

Yilei Huang1, Shiyong Zhou1, Shimin Wang2 (1.Peking University, Beijing, China, 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)

Development of geodetic observation shadows light to inversion of crust motion which is crucial to seismic hazard potential analyze. Vertical fault models are always used for inversion in traditional researches, but we find inclined faults will result in different near-field surface velocity.Therefore, we first construct a 3-D fault model of Ordos by using micro-earthquake relocation data. GPS data and vertical high-resolution leveling data are implied in this geodetic inversion and they are processed by our designed method called ‘Pair Difference'. Leveling data is essential for the fault's dip-slip motion is more sensitive to leveling data than GPS data. By using data and inversion method, we remove the continuous fault slip rate constraint which is traditionally used in geodetic inversion and derive an overall and detailed fault slip rate map of Ordos. Furthermore, we point out the areas with high seismic risk by utilizing the inversion results and historical earthquake catalog to calculate seismic deficit.