

IASPEI Symposia » S23. Geoscience and society

[S23-P] Poster

2017年8月3日(木) 15:30 〜 16:30 Event Hall (The KOBE Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2F)

15:30 〜 16:30

[S23-P-06] Effects of Disaster Structural Understanding on Residents' Behavioral Intention against Disaster -Case of Kanto Tohoku Heavy Rainfall Disaster(2015)-

Hideyuki Kobayashi1, Atsushi Tanaka2 (1.Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, 2.The University of Tokyo, Tokyo ,Japan)

This research aims to reveal effects of disaster structural understanding on Residents' behavioral intention. In recent studies, some disaster researches which are based on Behavioral Intention Model (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Ajzen, 1991) pointed out that people don't evacuate from disaster at an early stage of disaster developing process.
Tanaka et al.(2013) suggested that this tendency is caused by disaster fragmented understanding and we should change to disaster structural understanding about disaster developing process. Disaster structural understanding consider cause and effect relationship about some serial events which compose disaster developing process. If we learn this relationship between events, we can anticipate what will happen by a former event or information under disaster developing process. But, recent studies have remained raise this hypothesis and haven't revealed effects of disaster structural understanding on Residents' behavioral intention.
The author surveyed residents' disaster structural understanding about river flood and their actions against disaster in Kinugawa river flood caused by Kanto-Tohoku Heavy Rainfall disaster (2015) by a questionnaire survey for three hundred internet monitor in seven towns as disaster impacted area. All towns are riverside of the Kinugawa River and were at risk of this disaster.
After surveyed, the author categorized respondents for three groups corresponding to their disaster structural understanding level, as high-level, middle-level and law-level. Results show that high-level and middle-level groups get a little disaster information earlier than law-level group. The result of increasing behavioral intention is similar to getting disaster information.
The author suggests that disaster structural understanding is useful for increasing behavioral intention against disaster. We should adopt it to education of disaster prevention.