

Modeling / Molecular simulation

Processes and Fundamentals

Modeling / Molecular simulation 6

2023年7月11日(火) 14:00 〜 15:40 Room 8 (301 B)

Chair:Fang Xu, Zhaohuan Mai

14:50 〜 15:15

[O2.MM-11] Process optimization of a membrane contactor for the separation of chiral amines using computational fluid dynamics

*Gilles Van Eygen1,2, Anita Buekenhoudt3, Bart Van der Bruggen1, Patricia Luis2,4 (1. KU Leuven, 2. UC Louvain, 3. VITO NV, 4. ReCIPE)

キーワード:Membrane contactors, Computational fluid dynamics, Molecular dynamics