The 26th International Display Workshops (IDW '19)


Oral Presentation

[AMD3] Driving Technology of Micro/Mini LED Displays

Special Topics of Interest on Micro/Mini LEDs

2019年11月27日(水) 17:00 〜 18:35 Mid-sized Hall B (1F)

Chair: Kazumasa Nomoto (Sony)
Co-Chair: Keisuke Omoto (Apple)

17:00 〜 17:25

[AMD3-1(Invited)] Crystal LED Display System for Immersive Viewing Experience

*Katsuhiro Tomoda1, Norifumi Kikuchi1, Goshi Biwa2,1, Hisashi Kadota1,2 (1. Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation (Japan), 2. Sony Corporation (Japan))

キーワード:micro LED, micro IC, Crystal LED display system, ambient contrast ratio

We developed a novel active matrix driving technology that integrates RGB micro LEDs and a micro IC in each pixel for our Crystal LED display system. With precise tiling technology, a large-scale image with immersive viewing experience can be delivered.