The 26th International Display Workshops (IDW '19)


Oral Presentation

[EP1] Emerging Electronic Paper Displays

2019年11月27日(水) 17:00 〜 18:35 Room 207 (2F)

Chair: Makoto Omodani (Tokai University)
Co-Chair: Masayoshi Higuchi (NIMS)

18:20 〜 18:35

[EP1-4L] Comparison of handwriting performance of paper / tablet / e-paper in various conditions including standing position.

*Kanako Fujisaki1 (1. Tokai University (Japan))

キーワード:e-paper, tablet, paperless

Evaluations were performed in writing speed and subjective impression of handwriting task on paper, tablet, e-paper. The tasks were performed at the three conditions: (1)writing on a desk, (2)writing without desk, (3)writing in a standing position. Our results indicated advantages of e-paper especially in the standing position.