The 26th International Display Workshops (IDW '19)


Oral Presentation

[LCT6] New LC Applications

2019年11月29日(金) 10:40 〜 12:10 Mid-sized Hall A (1F)

Chair: Hideo Ichinose (Merck Performance Materials Ltd.)
Co-Chair: Fumito Araoka (RIKEN)

11:30 〜 11:50

[LCT6-4L] Dye-doped liquid crystal light shutter fabricated by thermally-induced phase separation

*Yeongyu Choi1, Seung-Won Oh1, Tae-Hoon Yoon1 (1. Pusan National University (Korea))

キーワード:Liquid crystal, Polymer, Light shutter, Phase separation

A dye-doped LC/polymer light shutter fabricated with the thermally-induced phase separation (TIPS) method is demonstrated. The TIPS method does not degrade the dye during the fabrication process. The fabricated LC cell exhibits excellent optical performance, which is suitable for a light shutter with superior black color. This fabrication method can be applied for the high visibility of see-through displays.