The 26th International Display Workshops (IDW '19)


Oral Presentation

[MEET1] Novel Materials, Fundamental Components and Process Technologies

2019年11月28日(木) 09:00 〜 10:30 Conference Hall (1F)

Chair: Jin Jang (KyungHee University)
Co-Chair: Chien-chung Lin (National Chiao Tung University)

09:50 〜 10:10

[MEET1-3] SOURCE 2D Simulation for High Resolution Carbon Nanotube Cold Cathode Fabrication

*Da Woon Kim1, Ha Rim Lee1, Boklae Cho2, Kyu Chang Park1 (1. University of Kyung Hee (Korea), 2. Korea Research Institute for Science and Standard (Korea))

キーワード:Carbon Nanotube (CNT), High resolution, Beam divergence, Electron beam

High-resolution electron microscopy requires an electron source with high brightness and resolution. We simulated and fabricated the carbon nanotube (CNT) cold cathode with high resolution. For the simulation, we used SOURCE 2D simulator and fabricated self-focused CNT based electron beam. The beam shows micron scale resolution with optimized self-focused CNT beam design. The beam spot size depends on the various parameters, such as depth, width and driving conditions.