The 26th International Display Workshops (IDW '19)


Oral Presentation

[OLED1] OLED Devices

2019年11月27日(水) 13:40 〜 15:00 Room 204 (2F)

Chair: Takahisa Shimizu (NHK)
Co-Chair: Ken-ichi Nakayama (Osaka University)

13:40 〜 14:00

[OLED1-1(Invited)] Investigation of carrier recombination and device stability in phosphorescent and TADF OLEDs

*Sebastian Reineke1, Paul-Anton Will1, Jinhan Wu1, Axel Fischer1, Simone Lenk1 (1. Technische Universität Dresden (Germany))

キーワード:organic light-emitting diodes, recombination, stability, phosphorescence, TADF

This presentation will discuss both a detailed investigation of the charge carrier recombination in state- of-the-art OLEDs and an engineering route to increase device lifetime and efficiency by forming so-called ultrastable glass layers. For the latter, both phosphorescent and TADF OLEDs are presented.