Eleventh International Conference of Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA2019)


Oral (Invited)

Atomic physics

[2B05-08] Atomic physics

2019年9月23日(月) 16:40 〜 18:00 Room B [Small Assembly Room] (Osaka City Central Public Hall)

Session Chair:Sergey Pikuz

17:00 〜 17:20

*Daniel Thorn1, M. J. MacDonald1, A. G. MacPhee1, K. LeChien1, E. Dewald1, D. Liedahl1, V. Smalyuk1, C. Yeamans1, M. B. Schneider1, L. Gao2, K. W. Hill2, B. F. Kraus2, P. Efthimion2, R. Doron3, E. Stambulchik3, S. Biswas3, V. I. Fisher3, V. Litmanovich3, Y. Maron3 (1. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA(United States of America), 2. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ(United States of America), 3. Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot(Israel))

17:40 〜 18:00

*Eric Galtier1, Shaughnessy Brown1, Florian Condamine1,2,3,4, Eric Cunningham1, Gilliss Dyer1, Lucas Gournay2, Michael Greenberg1, Akel Hashim5, Philip Heimann1, Dimitri Khaghani6, Hae Ja Lee1, Andrew Mckelvey7, Bob Nagler1, Yuri Ralchenko8, Oldrich Renner3,9, Frank B Rosmej2,4, John Seely10, Ronnie Shepherd7, Richard Lee11 (1. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory(United States of America), 2. Sorbonne University, Faculty of Science and Engineering(France), 3. ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences(Czech Republic), 4. LULI, Ecole Polytechnique, CEA-CNRS-SU(France), 5. Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley(United States of America), 6. GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung(Germany), 7. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory(United States of America), 8. National Institute of Standards and Technology(United States of America), 9. Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences(Czech Republic), 10. Artep Inc.(United States of America), 11. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory(United States of America))





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