IRC 2016 Kitakyushu

Presentation information

Oral Sessions

General Topic » G4: Filler and Additives

[D-21~D-25] G4: Filler and Additives

Thu. Oct 27, 2016 8:30 AM - 10:10 AM Session D (Room 311-313, AIM 3F)

Junji Watanabe

9:30 AM - 9:50 AM

[D-24] In-Situ Reactions in Mixing Process of TESPT-Silanized Silica/NR Tire Tread Compounds

Kaewsakul Wisut1, Sahakaro Kannika1, Noordermeer Jacques W.M.2 (1.Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, 2.University of Twente, the Netherlands)

Please refer the Program & Abstracts.
