IRC 2016 Kitakyushu

Presentation information

Poster Sessions

General Topic » G2: Natural Rubber and Related Materials

[P-6] G2: Natural Rubber and Related Materials

Wed. Oct 26, 2016 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Poster Sesison (Room D, AIM 3F)

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

[P-6] Genome Sequence of a Para Rubber Tree Hevea Brasiliensis

Watanabe Norie1, Nagasaki Hideki2, Yasuhiro Tanizawa2, Mori Teppei1, Nakamura Yasukazu2 (1.Bridgestone Corporation, Japan, 2.National Institute of Genetics, Japan)

Please refer the Program & Abstracts.
