


R5: 地球外物質

2019年9月20日(金) 14:00 〜 16:30 大講義室 Ib (大講義室)

座長:橘 省吾、松本 恵

15:15 〜 15:30

[R5-17] フォルステライト単結晶のレーザー衝撃圧縮その場X線回折実験

*奥地 拓生1、プレジャブ ナランゴー1、尾崎 典雅2、瀬戸 雄介3、薮内 俊毅4 (1. 岡山大・惑星研、2. 大阪大・院工、3. 神戸大・院理、4. JASRI)


Primitive meteorites often show features of shock metamorphism, including occurrences of dense polymorphs of major mineral phases. The impact events that produced these polymorphs played essential roles in the history of early solar system evolution. Here we tried to reproduce such a dynamic transformation process starting from forsterite olivine single crystals by using very strong laser beam and x-ray free electron laser (XFEL) beam in combination at SACLA, SPring-8, Japan.