



2023年11月11日(土) 09:30 〜 11:00 紀-B112 (紀尾井坂ビルB112)

座長:西浦 昭雄(創価大学) コメンテーター:山形 辰史(立命館アジア太平洋大学)、會田 剛史(一橋大学)

09:30 〜 10:00

[1E01] 中国における地域の教育格差:CHFSに基づくジニ係数の分解分析

*李 鋒1 (1. 中央大学大学院)


This study analyzes regional educational disparities in China by measuring the Gini coefficient of the population’s Average Years of School (AYS) in rural areas, urban areas, conversion from Agricultural to non-agricultural, rural people who live in urban and in China as a whole. I calculate the Gini coefficient for AYS using 2017 micro-sample data from the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS). This paper adopts the decomposition method of the Gini coefficient to examine the educational inequality between the rural young people who live in urban and urban young people who live in urban and adopts the decomposition method of the Gini coefficient to examine educational inequality within China’s rural areas, urban areas, conversion from Agricultural to non-agricultural, rural people who live in urban as well as between the rural areas, urban areas, conversion from agricultural to non-agricultural, rural people who live in urban. It finds that the inequality of education between rural areas and urban areas is comparatively dramatic and Gini coefficient of conversion from agricultural to non-agricultural is close to urban areas. By contrast, there exists almost no change of educational inequality between rural people and rural people who live in urban. It also finds that the almost urban people who is 23-26 years old could enter university or higher education. By contrast, only can rural people who is 23-26 years old finish high school.

