


A. 材料・施工 » 水分浸透・中性化


2024年6月27日(木) 13:15 〜 15:00 第5会場 (多目的ルームA)


[1106] セメント硬化体加速炭酸化における水分蒸発律速炭酸化過程のプロトン緩和時間領域測定による可視化

セイレカ1, 栗原諒1, 丸山一平1 (1.東京大学)

キーワード:water content、relative humidity、 carbonation

The effect of water content on the carbonation process in cement paste under intermediate (60%) and high (90%) relative humidity (RH) conditions was clarified through water content distribution along the penetration depth. Results reveal that the inhibition of carbonation, due to the water plug effect, occurs at a specific water content level, regardless of whether the RH condition is intermediate (60%) or high (90%). A decreased carbonation degree at the carbonation front over the carbonation duration can be explained by the varying penetration lengths of carbon dioxide.