

Poster session

[POSTER] Poster session

2019年2月23日(土) 09:00 〜 18:20 ポスター会場

[MP-8] Manual Catheter Aspiration And Stent Graft For Superficial Femoral Artery Sub-acute

Jang Shih-Jung (Taipei Tzuchi Hospital)

The 70 year-old male had the history of diabetes mellitus and old cerebrovascular accident. He experienced left foot pain and left 3rd to 5th toe ulcerative wounds for 2 months. He was admitted for wound infection management. Duplex ultrasound revealed left superficial femoral artery distal segment occlusion, favoring thrombosis. After pre-intervention enoxaparin treatment for 5 days, scheduled endovascular therapy was performed. Distal segment thrombotic occlusion was managed with 6 French Pronto®V4 Extraction Catheter (Teleflex Incorporated.) and Mach 1 MP guiding catheter (Boston Scientific Corporation). Red thrombi and yellow plaque were aspirated. Under intravascular ultrasound guidance for sizing, a 7.0 plus 50mm stent graft (GORE Medical) was placed to open the residual stenosis. The final result showed good flow without residual thrombi dislodgement to below-the-knee vessels.