


[IS] 国際セッション(1) Cutting-Edge Science and Technology in Additive Manufacturing(1)

2023年9月21日(木) 13:00 〜 17:30 A会場 (工学部総合教育研究棟1階多目的ホール)

座長:高田 尚記 (名古屋大学)、LEE Byoungsoo (KITECH, Korea)、LEE Kee-Ahn (Inha Univ., Korea)

17:00 〜 17:30

[IS11] On the Role of Cellular Microstructure in Austenite Reversion in Selective Laser Melted Maraging Steel

Yingjie YAO1, *Hao CHEN1 (1. Tsinghua Univ., China, 2. Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., China, 3. Tianjin Univ., China, 4. South China Univ. of Technology, China)

キーワード:Phase transformations、Steel、Alloy design

I will firstly present our recent progress in the fundamental understanding of phase transformations in AHSSs, and then discuss several cases of AHSSs design.

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