


[S] S5.Additive Manufacturingの材料科学II: 超温度場材料創成学(2)

2023年9月21日(木) 09:00 〜 12:10 I会場 (工学部総合教育研究棟2階28講義室)

座長:上田 正人(関西大学)、石本 卓也(富山大学)

10:20 〜 10:40

[S5.18] Extremely fine nanostructured omega phase in Ti-Zr-Nb-Ta-Hf-Mo high entropy alloy

*Han Chen1, Daisuke Egusa1, Ryosuke Ozasa2, Takuya Ishimoto3, Takayoshi Nakano2, Eiji Abe1 (1. Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 113-8656, Japan、2. Division of Materials and Manufacturing Science, Osaka University, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan、3. Aluminium Research Center, University of Toyama, Toyama, 930-8555, Japan)

キーワード:Omega phase、High entropy alloy、Laser powder bed fusion、Formation mechanism、Experiments and simulation

The potential formation mechanism of extremely fine nanostructured omega phases in as-built Ti-Zr-Nb-Ta-Hf-Mo high entropy alloy is discussed and revealed.

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