


セッション記号 A (大気海洋・環境科学) » A-CG 大気海洋・環境科学複合領域・一般

[A-CG06_29PM1] Satellite Earth Environment Observation

2014年4月29日(火) 14:15 〜 16:00 315 (3F)

コンビーナ:*沖 理子(宇宙航空研究開発機構)、本多 嘉明(千葉大学 環境リモートセンシング研究センター)、奈佐原 顕郎(筑波大学生命環境系)、中島 孝(東海大学情報デザイン工学部情報システム学科)、沖 大幹(東京大学生産技術研究所)、横田 達也(国立環境研究所 地球環境研究センター)、高薮 縁(東京大学大気海洋研究所)、村上 浩(宇宙航空研究開発機構地球観測研究センター)、岡本 創(九州大学 応用力学研究所)、座長:中島 孝(東海大学情報デザイン工学部情報システム学科)、岡本 創(九州大学)

14:45 〜 15:00

[ACG06-23] The GNSS Ocean Winds and AIS Mission, An Earth Science and Marine Safety Satellite Constellation

*Rose Randall1GLEASON Scott1RUF Christopher2KITAZAWA Yukihito3TANIMOTO Kazuo4 (1.Southwest Research Institute、2.University of Michigan、3.IHI Corporation、4.Meisei Electric Co., Ltd.)

キーワード:GNSS, Earth Science, Remote Sensing, Satellites, GPS

Recent developments in electronics and nano-satellite technologies combined with modeling techniques developed over the past 20 years have enabled a new class of remote wave and wind sensing capabilities that offer markedly improved performance over existing observatories while opening avenues to new applications. Most existing space borne ocean wind observatories operate in the C and Ku-bands which obscures key information about the ocean and the global climate. Using GNSS-based bi-static scatterometry performed by a constellation of nano-satellites, ocean wave and wind data can be provided with unprecedented temporal resolution and spatial coverage across the full dynamic range of ocean wind speeds in all precipitating conditions.The NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) is a space borne mission being developed to study tropical cyclone inner core processes. CYGNSS consists of 8 GPS bi-static radar receivers to be deployed on separate nano-satellites in October 2016. It is anticipated that numerous additional Earth science applications can also benefit from the cost effective high spatial and temporal sampling capabilities of GNSS remote sensing. These applications include monitoring of rough and dangerous sea states, global observations of sea ice cover and extent, meso-scale ocean circulation studies, and near surface soil moisture observations.The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a maritime system used for global identification and tracking of ships. It is proposed as part of the GNSS Ocean Winds and AIS (GOWA) nano-satellite constellation concept to combine and improve upon the GNSS remote sensing capability of CYGNSS with a space based AIS system. GOWA will be capable of monitoring both the ocean roughness and the locations of ship traffic at the same time. This will result in both an increase in maritime safety and valuable Earth science measurements of ocean winds, sea ice and land surfaces.This presentation will present a summary of the CYGNSS mission and plans for future instrument development to increase the number of science observations. The goal of this development is to enable the GOWA mission being proposed for Japanese science and maritime safety applications.