


セッション記号 A (大気海洋・環境科学) » A-HW 水文・陸水・地下水学・水環境

[A-HW29_2PM1] JapanFlux:水・物質循環における陸域生態系の役割

2014年5月2日(金) 14:15 〜 16:00 314 (3F)

コンビーナ:*平野 高司(北海道大学大学院農学研究院)、山野井 克己((独)森林総合研究所)、市井 和仁(福島大学共生システム理工学類)、三枝 信子(国立環境研究所)、座長:市井 和仁(海洋研究開発機構)

14:15 〜 14:30

[AHW29-01] 観測とモデルを用いた北海道の森林生態系の炭素収支に与える撹乱の影響評価:サイトスケールから地域スケールまで

*平田 竜一1伊藤 昭彦1高木 健太郎2平野 高司3三枝 信子1 (1.国立環境研究所、2.北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター、3.北海道大学大学院農学研究院)

キーワード:陸域生態系モデル, 渦相関法

Changes in carbon flux and storage in forest ecosystems are influenced by climate at various temporal and spatial scales, whereas carbon flux and storage are affected instantaneously and heterogeneously by artificial and natural disturbances at the local scale. Disturbance events such as forest fire, damage by insects, and forest harvest drastically change NEP and carbon storage. In this study, we address the effect of disturbance on carbon balance based on two scale; one is site scale and another is local scale.First, we performed a baseline simulation of carbon dynamics and compared these values with those observed across a wide range of stand ages (old mixed forest and young and middle-aged larch forests). By taking into account seasonal variation in the understory leaf area index, simulated net ecosystem production (NEP), gross primary production, ecosystem respiration, and biomass for the three types of forests were consistent with observed values.We compared two cases of simulations concerning the carbon balance: one taking account of spatial distribution of disturbance-induced forest age derived from forest inventory data (disturbance case) and another ignoring the disturbance impact (non-disturbance case). NEP was gradually and spatially changed ranging from 0 to 1 t C/ha/y depending on meteorological conditions such as temperature or solar radiation. On the other hand, in the case of disturbance, large NEP ranging from 3 to 5 t C/ha/y were distributed patchwise like hotspots, because forest age of these spots ranging from 20 to 100 years old and then younger than those of the non-disturbance case. In the 1970s, wood harvest and tree planting were intensively conducted in Hokkaido. In the disturbance case during this period, there were many hotspots which show negative NEP.